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Yes on A - Bond Update - 10.11.24 

NOTE: This CUSD Leadership Update page is NOT for public distribution. Please only share content listed under “Social Media” on your personal social media channels. Thank you!

Current Site Bond Team Focus

  • Yes on Measure A (during off hours)

    • Meet with your Site Bond Team to get your social media plan in place – see potential “cut and paste” posts below.

  • Out of yard signs? Contact your Area Superintendent for re-supply!  

  • Absentee ballots and Yes on Measure A's first mailer are set to arrive in the next week

  • Canvassers are hitting the streets to talk to voters about Measure A

Campaign Updates

Contest Leaderboard

To ensure proper credit, please be sure to make posts "Public" and tag the Official YES on A Facebook Page or Instagram Page.

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​ To ensure proper credit, please be sure to make posts "Public" and tag the Official YES on A Facebook Page or Instagram Page.

Social Media

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Sample Posts for Facebook/Instagram:

  • Voting #YesOnA will help deliver safety improvements to Clovis Unified schools and ensure that EVERY campus receives upgrades and improvements, without increasing our tax rates!

  • Three reasons to vote #YesOnA? We can upgrade EVERY Clovis Unified campus, improve school security for our kids and teachers, and maintain the best schools in the Valley without an increase to tax rates!

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Sample Posts for Facebook/Instagram:​​

  • Our kids deserve the safest environment to learn. Voting #YesOnA will ensure Clovis Unified schools receive upgrades to ensure student health and safety during the school day and beyond, without increasing our tax rates! 

  • Voting #YesOnA doesn't just maintain our great Clovis Unified schools, it makes them safer for our kids and community! 

To ensure proper credit, please be sure to make posts "Public" and tag the Official YES on A Facebook Page or Instagram Page. Tap image to download hi-res version.

Core Campaign Themes

  • No change to your existing tax rate

  • Delivers repairs and upgrades CUSD schools, most of which are 25+ years old and a significant share were built as far back as the 1960s

  • Protects and Increases Property Values

  • All money stays LOCAL

    • Local money.  Local jobs

Bond Measure Facts

  • Requires 55% passing rate $400M Bond – which allows us to extend the current tax rate ($155 per $100k of assessed value)

  • All voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot.

  • Ballots will begin being sent by October 8th.  They must be mailed by November 5.

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